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What is #WonderWomanWednesday?

I am beyond blessed to know a ridiculous amount of Wonder Women. Below is only one example of the amazing female friends that I've come to know and love dearly.

Photo Credit: Meg Marie Photography

They are kick-ass, emotionally intelligent females who live in fearless pursuit of their dreams and the world they want to live in. Every time they launch something new or break through a barrier, I want to shout from the mountain tops in congratulations! Recently I decided it was time to commit to telling these stories consistently - and #wonderwomanwednesday was born. Welcome to my mountain top. My small corner of the web focused on telling the stories, raising the profiles, and supporting the causes of incredible women across the country.

Each Wednesday, I feature a new incredible female, share a bit about her, and - most importantly - highlight three things you can do to support her! Some are small asks, others are big, but all of them are important and every bit of support makes a difference.

My hope is that these dynamic individuals will be lifted up not only by their fellow females, but also by a community of men who are equally interested and invested in supporting woman.

Together we can change the narrative and shine a well-deserved spotlight on the women who are shaping our collective future!

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