Meet Allison Gower!
This week I am super excited to feature the absolutely delightful Allison Gower, copywriter extraordinaire!

I met this powerhouse at Downtown Works and instantly knew we were kindred spirits.
She is never without a smile on her face and always has an encouraging word for anyone who crosses her path. She's also a word-smithing genius!
In the short time I've known her, she's already helped me revamp some business copy that made a complete difference in how I was selling my services. If you need support with website copy, ghostwriting, email content or anything else that has to do with the written word, Allison is your gal!
Website: LinkedIn: Contact:
Want to support Allison? Here are three easy ways you can!
1. Like and/or share this post and spread the word about this incredible #wonderwoman!
2. To see if Allison is fit for your writing and strategy needs, book your FREE call with her! Snag 15 minute consultation here:
3. Schedule Allison to lead a talk or workshop! She frequently teaches on the concepts of design-centric copywriting, content and business systems.